Message from the Director

Dear Students and Potential Students,
Welcome to the Orange County Lingual Institute. The Orange County Lingual Institute is a premier language school dedicated to helping those in the Orange County area who wish to learn a new language, learn multiple languages, or simply improve their current foreign language skills. The Orange County Lingual Institute was opened by the highly acclaimed Beverly Hills Lingual Institute, which has been serving those seeking to learn a new language and/or refine their lingual skills in the Los Angeles area for over 20 years. In 2016 the Beverly Hills Lingual Institute was sold, but the Orange County Lingual Institute is still owned and operated by the original corporation. In Orange County, we strive to provide the best of the best to our ever-growing student population. We believe we provide the best program, best teachers, best administrative support staff, best books, and best locations to the best students at the best value. The following are some of the ways we set ourselves apart from other language schools and why we do what we do.
Best Program: We offer a complete quality package of language learning; that is, we teach our students to read, write, and speak the target language. Our goal is for our students to become successful in their new language and its structure. We “ground” our training with the presentation and practice of grammar, targeted vocabulary building, idiomatic structures, proficiency in reading and writing, effective listening, intonation and fluency of expression in small intimate classroom settings, (never more than 10 students).
Best Teachers: We provide our students with the best of the best when it comes to teachers. We believe native-speaking teachers, who are excited to share their knowledge of their language and their culture is key. Our teachers also have excellent English skills so they may explain the language and grammar to students in the language they understand best. We seek teachers with teaching credentials and/or advanced degrees with plenty of teaching experience.
Best Texts: Books are the best study source and long-term references available. We want students to use the best books on the market (usually college texts). In assuring our students use the best books available, we provide the texts to our students at cost.
Best Location: Our school is set in the beautiful Segerstrom Center location. The Orange County Lingual Institute is located at 600 Anton Blvd., Garden Suite B. Our classrooms are all air-conditioned, well lit, with a beautiful view of the plaza next to the Segerstrom Concert Hall. We are freeway close and provide validated parking to our students attending class.
Best Value: We believe we provide an exceptional service to our students at a great value.
We here at the Orange County Lingual Institute are passionate in our desire to help you successfully pursue your goal of learning another language. We know this process is both fun and rewarding, and we look forward to being part of the process. We are here to assist you in your language learning goals.
Please feel free to call and ask us any questions you may have at (714) 662-5400. We prefer telephone calls, as we like to get things accomplished right away, but we can also be reached by emailing to
I am at your service.
Bio of the Assistant Director

Jessica Stanfield is the Assistant Director at The Orange County Lingual Institute, where she interacts and works with people from all around the world. She works alongside her director, and colleagues, to ensure that both the institute and students thrive so that people can continue to have a place where they can come to not only learn languages but where they can gain long-lasting relationships with others who share the same interest of learning about languages and cultures.
After spending four years living and working abroad in China, and being raised in both Germany and The United States, Jessica believes it is exciting and even crucial for others, herself included, to learn about others’ cultures, languages, and ways of communicating and interacting with those around them. While living and working abroad, Jessica traveled to a number of countries; Jessica thoroughly enjoys learning about verbal greetings, mannerisms, music, water and air quality, and both street and local foods, while traveling to other countries. Following her return to the states, Jessica knew she wanted to work in a place where she would be able to continue learning about others through spoken languages and close interactions with people from around the world.
Once she heard about The Orange County Lingual Institute, she knew that she wanted to join the team here. Though Jessica continues to grow in her already developed, work-related skills, she is also an advocate for fostering global awareness, international collaboration, and cultural connectivity. Through her position here at The Orange County Lingual Institute, she can use her communication and organizational skills, as well as her experiences gained from living, working, and traveling abroad, to support and encourage others in their endeavors to learn about and grow deeper in their knowledge of languages, cultures and subcultures, and people. From placing and enrolling students, processing registrations, and communicating with people through various methods, to scrubbing coffee stains out of the carpets, setting up coffee, tea and snacks, and preparing classrooms, Jessica is here to see to it that current students, teachers, prospective students, her colleagues, and others have pleasant, memorable, and incomparable experiences that they’ll share with people from Orange County, and abroad.